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Hyaluronic Acid: 101 on the super ingredient for glowing skin

If you Google any supermodel or celebrity beauty secrets, there’s one tip that always makes the list - stay hydrated. While this is certainly no Hollywood’s-best-kept-secret, there is a reason it’s always worth mentioning. 

A hydrated body keeps your digestive system moving, joints nimble, cellulite at bay, and even improves cognitive function and memory. When it comes to your skin - hydration is everything. A day in the sun or just a busy office day where replenishing was last on the to-do list, it shows on your skin. 

And while intaking a few extra glasses a day can make an impact, adding topical hydration via super ingredient hyaluronic acid can make a world of a difference in plumping up your complexion. But before you slather on just any hyaluronic acid and expect a glow, there’s a few essential things to know. *Hint, the type and time matter. 

What is Hyaluronic Acid

Hyaluronic acid is a humectant (a substance that attracts and retains water) that is produced by the body or created in a lab. This gooey, hydrating substance is naturally found in your eyes, joints, and skin and  acts as cushioning and lubrication. Hyaluronic acid regenerates the lipids in your skin's barrier, which helps your skin hold water more effectively.The amount you produce in your body and skin decreases as you age, making supplementation a key factor to healthy aging

Types of Hyaluronic Acid

Hyaluronic Acid comes in various forms and sizes, 6 to be exact. But they are not all created equal – the size matters. The different molecular weights (or sizes) of hyaluronic acid penetrate to different layers of the skin. The smaller the weight, the deeper the penetration and, therefore, ability to attract and sustain the skin’s moisture content. 

Higher molecular weight hyaluronic acid is not all bad, though. Because it remains closer to the surface of the skin, it can deliver more immediate and visible results.But the long term effects are lackluster. For best results, the key is to apply a combination of both weights. Enter 4D Hyaluronic Acid. This powerful form of the ingredient contains 4 different sizes of hyaluronic acid that work at the surface and at deeper layers of the skin to deliver long term hydration and instant plumpness. 

When + How to Use Hyaluronic Acid

Despite its basic function, there are right and wrong ways to use hyaluronic acid. Apply it properly and your skin will be fresh and dewy, but don’t follow the rules and it will actually be drawing moisture out of your skin.

Hyaluronic Acid holds a thousand times its weight in water (for reference, one teaspoon of hyaluronic acid holds over 4 gallons of water). For this reason, it's vital to apply hyaluronic acid to damp skin which gives it the water it needs to absorb and infuse into your skin. If applied to dry skin or if there’s low humidity in the air, it can draw moisture from the deeper layers of your epidermis contributing to an already parched complexion. 

After applying hyaluronic acid to damp skin, you must seal everything in with a moisturizer, otherwise the moisture can evaporate into the air. 

Hyaluronic Acid may seem like a simple and standard skincare ingredient. But much like drinking water, the type and timing are important factors for proper hydration. Follow these simple guidelines and you’ll be radiating that supermodel-like glow!

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